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Friday, 24 April 2015

quotes of the day

"orang sibuk bahagia, orang lapang kecewa. orang setia bersama, orang memilih tidak merasa. orang membaca berpengetahuan, orang tak cakna jahil daya fikiran. orang memerhati rugi, orang melaksanakan untung. orang kuat besar hatinya, orang lemah kurang sabarnya. orang baik fikir sejagat, orang jahat mementingkan martabat".

"a toy want to be fix, it must be fixed by submitting it to the expert. to repair the heart, it must be submitted to Allah SWT"

"dimana letaknya hati jika bukan disebalik dada
dimana letaknya kejujuran jika bukan disebalik lisan yg menuturkan kata"

"Get better be more healthy make your day start and ends with outcomes"

"Energy flows equal..but my love increases as it flows"

"Sometime you need to be with someone who understand..not just logical intelligent people..someone who knows what you want"

"A certain development need deep concern"

"sometimes when u have a headache.. crunching nuts might help"

"tidak berlaku hujan jika air tidak mencurah ke bumi, tidak berlaku kesepian jika hati sentiasa menyerah kepada illahi"

Memori 2

hai, tgh menjalani hari-hari sebagai specimen kepada lab experiment. anyways, ini memori sepanjang duk di um semester 1 tahun 2, . tp yang penting jadikan semua pengajaran dan teladan untuk masa akan datang. hihi.bukan semua included.

MUNTIJ HEBAT, program yg dapat tempat pertama di hati dari semua program yg masuk tahun ni. mmg terbaik dan kem komanden pn hebat. As syabab asasu taghyir! At tarbiyyah wa taqwin tariquna littamkin! 

pandangan dari tempat tertinggi di genting highland. =) membina suatu pengalaman yang tidak mungkin terpadam dalam jiwa #MUNTIJ15 #MUNTIJHEBAT

encik syuib gigih menerangkan ilmu untuk membuat kaki palsu. sngt khusyuk mendengar tq en syuib

first time try mkn makanan ala korea. kat dubu dubu di mid valley. bnyk sayur. rse mcm ok la. sedap sbb boleh g dgn shbt2..hehehe

antara event wajib setiap minggu. mengalami sindrom "pathology effect" kerana setiap kali habis kelas ini akan merenung masa depan dalam masa yang agak lama.huhuhu

kepenatan seharian berada di dalam lab. sebelum cuti midsem. sir sajjad suruh siapkan device. korbankan sehari untuk siapkan device huhu

confidence is everything. presentation good job! hahahahaha

akhirnya dapat siapkan device utk semester ni, ada nak beli? pm

exam sudah habis, seronoknya time ni sbb semua tension jwb exam dah lepas,

selepas exam, melabuhkan kaki ke IOIcity mall, jumpa kawan di usim. jatuh rebah banyak kali. ajet pandai ice skating. tetibe ad budak kecik skating angkat kaki sebelah. huh mantap aaaaaaa

pandangan terakhir sebelum balik semula ke um. insha Allah dtg lagi. tq sahabat2

hahaha. yg ni best. steakhouse mkn grilled lamb. mmg tip top sedap. sehari sebelum nak naik flight balik kelantan

tunjuk ckit sedap bak ang!

dah habis semester 1 tahun 2 di um. segala yang baik datang dari Allah. segala yang buruk adalah kelemahan diri saya sendiri. pengalaman naik flight pertama. hahaha giler tak best. tak berhenti senyum atas flight t sbb excited. cepat je sampai kelantan dan family pun sambut. =,) terharunya

 sekarang berada di pertengahan semester 2 um. moga dipermudahkan. pesanan penaja "rajinlah membaca" itu amalan yg sangat baik dan bermanfaat.

Ride along

send me to the crossroads
nearby the route
located at the street
where the birds
sing altogether enjoying fruits
where the ants
parading on a green leaves
where the deer
crunching on grasses
put me just there
just there

ride me to the waterfall
nearby the river
beneath the tree shade
where the fish
jumping anxiously breathing air
where the wind
cools the mind of berserk dogs
where the water
just like a transparent floor
put me right there
right there

ride me together with you
the tribulation cause me 
a good deal of sickness
expecting i make my way
to the far destination
maybe i will lose
if i ride alone

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Possible changes and cause of action

Today..i just feel like want to describe everything in english.because i like to use another language just to prove my enthusiasm of sharing my way of thinking. i did not judge people by its cover. i just seem to enjoy reading people to its appendices. it is good to make friends that thinks differently but like to express they thought in an ethical manner.

Anyhow, for me, i feel like people tend to change when their grow older. many people just happened to make their life entirely different from before just by leaving certain things alone. wondering how much determination it take to make a change in life. This can verify that we are very strong in nature.

Change can be implemented for either good or evil. There are no margins in changing the habitual way of life. Some people just miraculously think of something out of their cranial head and make up to something that can really change them into a better life. But the question is, does changing stop after the idea was executed? For me change in attitude are the most good example that i can imagine to provide for the statement phrased above. Attitude change with the way of people evaluate themself. For instance, a person who score insufficient carry mark in their test will tend to reflect their mistakes and make a change to ensure bright fortune for their sake. Another example we can say that a rich people will change their attitude towards money because it gives them what their need. Attitude are unique from a soul to another. A people can change their attitude to make a different work in a day even though they have done the same thing for the past decades or years. This is because we are different from the world. The world change, but people have options. People can naturally chose to be what they wanted as their path of destiny.

For me, people who does not want to change assumed themself to be perfect. Which is also implemented a way of thinking different from before. What i am going to say is, at the point of change the person tend to use their mind. As if the cycle of evaluation continuosly came to their mind to implement change. That is why people can behave in an infinite way. But if that is the case then it is confirmed that we can be good in just one day but become evil during the night. That is a typical example of people on how quick they can change with respect to their way of choosing what is good and what is bad.

A person can balance their spiritual thought with judgement so that the outcome will came as what the mind proposed. When the determination to change decreases beyond the optimum level, change cannot be done. For example, a lover cannot move on during their breakup because the bond that ties them make life good. So, their mind will reflect the days without those good things and hence causing the lover to be depressed. Depression cause the decline in determination. Which make them to have difficulties in making change to forget each other. Even though change does not occur at margin, critical thinking does occur at margin. So the reasoning of how the change can produce a better life are executed by the mind.

Depression is inevitable. We feel depressed because change are needed to be done immediately. Depression is an indication of lack in determination. People who depressed should know and realise that their level of determination had depleted into a dangerous level that would effect the quality of life. Hence, it is compulsory for them to change with full throttle optimum and maintain optimum determination for a bit of time. After some amount of time the change in life will cause habitual adaptibility where we do the change by common sense without needing to be determined.

Determination and faith are different things. But faith give higher impact to change rather that just determination. Faith include the stand of our heart while determination is just the spirit of condifence to tackle a problem. Faith is very important to people because without it, we will certainly lost in our life. Change lead us to different ways. However, it is not possible for us to know where the way will lead us to. Since determination only cause us to be confident with some ways, but it does not guarantee total success in our life. It is not good to just have some confidence while the destination of our way is not well implemented. Faith act as precautions of act. When we have faith in a way of life, We will make effort carefully by following the guidance to the destination that is clear in our mind where we wanted to be. Faith is a weapon to rescue life. So have faith in life and do not waste it with junks of useless thoughts.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Fruit to you

Lie in bed
Get a lad
Colour it red
Make some meal
Eat and sat
Jot down smile
To dearest lad
Shake a leg
Get over time
To avoid sad

Take some fruits
Blend them in
Add enough sugars
So taste sweet
Sugar or fruit
Make it great
Or you instead?
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