Knowledge is power. However, it cannot be manifested directly if the thing is kept inside the mind of an individual. the expression of greatness by using our mind also require the aid of substances such as elements from the earth and compounds from the sea which is not naturally came from our body. Some of us use knowledge to build strong musculature and artificial strength for example the manufacture of protein supplement and exercising device help a lot in bodybuilding . Unfortunately, that strength is also artificial and will be depleted with time when the possibility of health does not coincides well with our diet. Not only age make us weak but our body itself have a very sensitive prohibition in taking some nutrient at a certain quantity which also make us a weak creature. Fighting techniques such as silat and taekwondo can be regarded as an ability but some individuals cannot learn them. This make people with low level of learning are very vulnerable thus need something to be used as defense.
People have emotions and thoughts. Determination gives them the impulse that initiate some action and hence producing some results. We estimate something to measure our capability to do things. This make us do something with all effort and great efficiency. In the matter of fact, every work that is done sincerely surely get better result than doing stuff in a mood of not into it. We have this feeling of wanting something and that is one of our special characteristic as a human being. Strong feeling can produce a force that expressed by the heart. Just like the feeling of a mother that does not feel anything when protecting her child from a falling boiling water. Humans just does not hesitate on doing things even though they cannot do it to an extent of complete safety. this utterly make them do the most optimal measure using all the strength they have just like an adrenaline rush.
Apart from that, we have bonds with each other which is without a doubt is an immeasurable strength we holds. A person cannot be by himself. He or she will need to be with others. a person is not strong without a family and a family will be weak without a community etc.Thus, a nation with good leadership have stronger people. Because leadership is the utmost responsibility obligated for a person who can ensure a peaceful living among people that is working to coexist with each other. Leaders who cannot make their underling happy enough to coexist with each other can cause harm and chaos upon their own country. When this thing happens, the source of strength will decrease dramatically as there is no more trust on each other.
To be continued... points for today:
1) coexist with others
2) individualistic is weak
3) gain knowledge to be used for good